The Global Feed LCA Institute (GFLI) website offers data for those interested in the environmental impact of feed ingredients. The available information includes an aggregation of environmental impact data from approximately 1,000 datasets, providing valuable insights into the sustainability of various main feed ingredients. Users can delve into the specific environmental footprints of main feed ingredients, including crops such as soy from the US. GFLI is also working on integrating new datasets into their database. Looking ahead, the GFLI initiative has plans for more regional and sectoral datasets associated with feed production.


The Global Feed LCA Institute (GFLI) is an independent institute within the animal nutrition and food industry. Its primary mission is to develop a publicly accessible Animal Nutrition Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) database and tool, enabling comprehensive environmental assessments of animal nutrition products. The GFLI aims to establish its database as the global reference for Feed LCA data, recognized by stakeholders such as the public and private sectors, LCA researchers, intergovernmental bodies, and NGOs.

To ensure the integrity and quality of the database, the GFLI maintains and expands its regional and sector-specific Animal Nutrition ingredient LCA database. Adhering to guidelines set by the FAO/LEAP, the GFLI takes responsibility for the accuracy and reliability of the LCA ingredient datasets.

The GFLI strives for widespread utilization and recognition of its database, seeking engagement from LCA researchers, industry professionals, academic institutions, and governmental bodies. By providing standardized and harmonized methodology, the GFLI enables industry players to make informed decisions, compare environmental impacts, and implement measures to minimize their ecological footprint.

The governance of the GFLI lies in the hands of the Board of Directors, consisting of six to twelve members who guide and control the institute’s property, affairs, and business. Directors are elected annually through a ballot, serving two-year terms. Additionally, the Technical Management Committee (TMC), appointed by the Board, oversees the technical aspects of the institute, validating outputs, coordinating with consultants, and making recommendations regarding database and tool development.

Through its dedicated efforts, the GFLI strives to drive transformation in the feed, livestock, and aquaculture sectors. By providing a comprehensive LCA database and fostering continuous improvement, the GFLI supports meaningful environmental assessments and the advancement of sustainable practices within the animal nutrition and food industry.

See below for more information on GFLI


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